Do you know getting tired more than usual could be a sign of hearing loss?

Gatwick Audiology is one of the leading providers of the latest hearing aid fittings and tinnitus management services in the South East with centres in Surrey and Sussex including at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital.

Do you know getting tired more than usual could be a sign of hearing loss?

Gatwick Audiology is one of the leading providers of the latest hearing aid fittings and tinnitus management services in South East UK based at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital.

At Gatwick Audiology, we understand the importance of highlighting how hearing loss doesn't just affect an individual. It also affects loved ones and friends. Supporting an individual with hearing loss to seek help is not always easy as it is difficult to understand without experiencing it personally. Therefore, we have created the following video.

As part of our campaign to support the importance of addressing hearing loss, we recently filmed Tom, who explains the impact being aided has had on his life at work and with family and friends. The video was created in partnership with Signia.

At Gatwick Audiology, we understand the importance of highlighting how hearing loss doesn't just affect an individual. It also affects loved ones and friends. Supporting an individual with hearing loss to seek help is not always easy as it is difficult to understand without experiencing it personally. Therefore, we have created the following video.

As part of our campaign to support the importance of addressing hearing loss, we recently filmed Tom, who explains the impact being aided has had on his life at work and with family and friends. The video was created in partnership with Signia.

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